



Obama"s pointed rebuke to Clinton for election loss as he tells how HE won by going to "every fish fry"
Hit Clinton for taking it easy as Donald Trump barnstormed the nation
The president was taking questions for the first time since his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, lost to Donald Trump 

Said he was victorious in Iowa - a swing state that"s mostly white - "not because of the demographics"
Said it was because he spent 87 days going to "every small town and fair and fish fry and VFW hall"
To Democrats who are "discouraged" by last Tuesday"s election, Obama reminded them, "things change pretty rapidly." 
He cast Trump as "uniquely unqualified" to lead the country on the campaign trail; now says the country must unite behind him
President Barack Obama delivered a veiled rebuke to Hillary Clinton today for spending the summer and much of the fall taking it easy as Donald Trump barnstormed the nation.
The two-time winner Electoral College winner said he was victorious in Iowa, a mostly white state, "not because the demographics dictated" it, but because he spent 87 days going to "every small town and fair and fish fry and VFW hall."
Some counties he may have lost by fewer votes because he dropped in, the president said. Others he may have won unexpectedly because he spent so much time there.
"And the challenge for a national party is how do you dig in there and create those kinds of structures so that people have a sense of what it is that you stand for." 
That"s "increasingly difficult to do" through a national press strategy, he said.
Conversations in the party about grassroots efforts and building a bottom up party will "contribute to stronger outcomes in the future," he assessed. "And I"m optimistic that will happen."
Democrats who are "feeling completely discouraged" by last Tuesday"s election, Obama said, should remember that "things change pretty rapidly." 
"But they don"t change inevitably. They change because you work for it," he said.
Clinton spent considerable time in Iowa as she prepared to competed in the Democratic caucuses there against Bernie Sanders.
She visited Des Moines three times and Cedar Rapids once in the general election. She also made a stop in "Quad Cities" area, though her rally was technically in Illinois. 
Clinton"s campaign wrote off the swing state that Obama won in 2008 and 2012 and spent her time trying to win over North Carolina, a state he lost in 2012, and Pennsylvania instead.
Not only did she lose all three of those states, Clinton held one or no rallies a day while Trump conquered the country and lost most of the Midwest, never even visiting Wisconsin which turned red as a result.
"We have to compete everywhere. We have to show up everywhere. We have to work at a grassroots level," Obama said today.

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