
出名有型有款嘅吳彥祖(Daniel)一直都畀人一種Mr. Cool感覺,但自從Daniel同太太Lisa S.生咗囡囡吳斐然(Raven)之後,男神就即時變咗做廿四孝爸爸。呢日,有網民就上載一條視頻,見到Daniel送Raven,佢仲一臉情深咁望住囡囡,畫面十分溫馨。不過早前Daniel忽然大晒16歲靚仔有型相,仲留言自揭有脫髮危機,見佢近照驚現髪線後移現M字額!
撰文:Kammy(原)|圖片:微博、 Lisa.S、吳彥祖@ig
男神變廿四孝爸爸現年44歲嘅吳彥祖(Daniel),一直畀外界稱為「國際級男神」。Daniel於2010年同拍拖8年嘅名模Lisa S.結婚,婚後兩年就生咗Raven,一家三口依家返回Daniel嘅老家美國加州奧克蘭定居,家庭生活非常美滿!


吳彥祖一臉情深咁望住囡囡吳彥祖罕有晒囡囡正面照 5歲就識睇經濟雜誌!?吳彥祖早前在社交網上罕有哋晒出囡囡吳斐然的近照,相中Raven自己一個坐在後排的兒童座椅上專心看著時政雜誌。偷拍女兒的吳彥祖笑言,5歲的女兒最近關注中美貿易戰,是因為擔心影響心愛玩具的售價。
She’s worried about these trade embargoes affecting the price of L.O.L. Surprise dolls and Shopkins.

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Happy Birthday to my little angel Raven! I can't believe you are already 1 yrs old. I don't even remember what life was like without you in it! Since you've come into my life I have been infinitely more tired but DEFINITELY infinitely happier! Oh and by the way everyone, the baby that has been in all the newspapers with me is NOT Raven. That beautiful baby was only hired to be my baby for a TV Commercial.
A post shared by Lisa Wu Aka Lisa S (@thelisa_s) on May 30, 2014 at 6:01pm PDT

其實Raven剛出生時,吳彥祖同太太Lisa S.仍會不時曬出女兒萌萌的溫馨照片,但隨著孩子長大,為了保護女兒,夫妻倆也逐漸減少在社交網曬B的舉動。這次吳彥祖罕見PO出Raven正面照,網友除了感到驚喜外,也忍不住大讚「年紀細細就關心經濟」、「大個女,開始擔心買唔起玩具」、「長大一定似爸爸係學霸」。
View this post on Instagram Looks like this doll ran into The Widow. #intothebadlands #amc @intothebadlandsamc
A post shared by Daniel Wu 吴 彦 祖 (@thatdanielwu) on Jul 1, 2018 at 10:12am PDT
Lisa S.與吳彥祖 美國愛爾蘭兩邊走Lisa S.和吳彥祖一家三口返回Daniel的老家美國加州奧克蘭定居,Daniel的父母亦在當地,現因他的拍攝工作關係暫居愛爾蘭首都都柏林。Lisa很享受一家三口在當地低調生活,還有馬兒的陪伴,因策騎是她的最大嗜好。早前在接受本刊訪問時,Lisa就表示「我在加州和愛爾蘭都是每日騎馬,而且無人識我,出街不用化妝打扮,與香港的生活截然不同。我在加州會參加馬術比賽,目標想奪冠軍!」
Lisa S.和女兒跟隨吳彥祖到美國加州生活,最近吳彥祖去愛爾蘭拍戲,妻女亦同行,女兒則入讀當地的國際學校。同囡囡一齊做運動,愛女心切嘅Daniel視線一直離唔開囡囡。

吳彥祖對著女兒成為女兒奴,Lisa更笑他軟化成「一攤水」。吳彥祖絕不是Mr. CoolDaniel近年常在中、美、愛爾蘭三邊走,試過有兩個月在中國拍攝真人騷,接著在愛爾蘭拍攝多兩個月,非常掛念在美國的妻女!Lisa覺得作為太太最重要連繫好一家人的感情,而且小朋友需要從爸爸身上學習,尤其女兒會從爸爸學習男女關係。
Lisa指她與吳彥祖的性格相反,她性格瘋狂、傻氣、健談;吳彥祖則為人謙遜、對工作好認真,可能正因一凹一凸的性格,令他們相處得很好。出名有型有款的Daniel,予人Mr. Cool感覺,Lisa為老公澄清,他實際是非常熱情和謙遜,是他見過最搞笑的人之一。「他對朋友非常開放,喜歡高聲說話。但面對不熟悉的人,他顯得較怕醜,而且他不喜歡談及自己,因他從不覺得自己特別出色,所以他每次上台成為焦點仍感到不習慣,令外界誤會他為人冷漠。」

女兒樣子似爸爸 性格似媽媽Lisa形容他們兩夫妻的性格一凹一凸,彼此互補不足,「他平衡了我,我亦令他的生活變得有趣。我們的性格相反,亦因此夾得來,他很努力工作,態度專業、專注;我就比較瘋狂、傻氣及健談。」Lisa覺得女兒Raven性格比較似她,樣子則像爸爸多一點。「她個性親切、開朗,可以和任何人說話,好容易結交朋友,還有她個人好有態度,這點最似我!」Lisa笑稱不介意囡囡個樣似Daniel,「我喜歡他的樣子才嫁給他呢!她有著我們的結合,所以她長得好看!」


吳彥祖大晒16歲靚仔有型相 自揭有脫髮危機?!吳彥祖一向係公認嘅靚仔男神,不過日前佢喺個人社交網同大家分享一張16歲時嘅相,,留言指:「found this in my Dad’s wallet. I must be about 16? I wish I had all that hair back.」,睇嚟現年44歲嘅男神Daniel好似擔心梗自己會有脫髮危機喎!

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#TBT found this in my Dad’s wallet. I must be about 16? I wish I had all that hair back.
A post shared by Daniel Wu 吴 彦 祖 (@thatdanielwu) on Oct 25, 2018 at 12:56pm PDT


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Ok let’s take a break from Badlands depression. This year my resolution was to try to have more great days. Yesterday was the best day of 2019 for me so far. It started off with an hour drive in a Ferrari F40 owned none other than my bro @ferraricollector_davidlee . He was gracious enough to let me drive this iconic car. I used to have a poster of this thing on my wall as a kid and I never dreamed I would have an opportunity to drive one. It was a surreal and special experience. We drove to the @pecla in Carson, Ca where we did another 6 hours of driving under close supervision of their expert driving coaches. I first drove a manual 911 CarreraS to start then spent the rest of the day in a #gt3touring just like mine. My coach @clint_boisdeau_motorsports was amazing, not only did he show me the ins and outs of the car but I also came out of the session a much better driver than when I came in. I feel confident going into my next track day. I am definitely coming back! We then drove an hour back in traffic(which is very challenging in a 30 year old super car) where we capped off the day with a nice dinner with @drivecoffee and his Porsche 959. It was even more surreal to see two of that era’s most iconic vehicles sitting right next to each other. So in just 24 hours, I checked off a lifetime busker list item and well as learned and grew as a driver. I am going deep with my car enthusiasm now but it makes me happy. Thanks to everyone involved in making yesterday my best day of 2019 and I didn’t even have to use my AK! #todaywasagoodday
A post shared by Daniel Wu 吴 彦 祖 (@thatdanielwu) on Feb 13, 2019 at 11:34am PST


而吳彥祖都有在instagram po二人合照:「我來希臘三天是因為當謝霆鋒美食旅遊節目的嘉賓。還記得我們第一次見面是在電影《新古惑仔之少年激鬥篇》,當時我們還很年輕,他17歲,我23歲。」仲話:「我們也是時候製作新的《特警新人類》嗎?」相信大家都會好期待兩人在港產片再次的合體!

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It’s been a wild three days here in Greece. I came because of this guy, Nicholas Tse, to be a guest on his cooking/travel show. We first met each other on my second movie, Young and Dangerous: The Prequel. At the time we were just kids. He was 17 and I was 23. We later went on to work together again on Gen-X Cops and then again with New Police Story a few years later. 21 years after our first meeting, we were reunited here in Greece to not only talk about food and architecture but also about how we have each evolved from boys to men. What a nice way to integrate our life stories into our work. Don’t you think it’s time we make Another Gen-X Cops? #ChefNic #oldfriends #Greece #Mykonos
A post shared by Daniel Wu 吴 彦 祖 (@thatdanielwu) on Oct 14, 2018 at 10:04pm PDT

吳彥祖罕有晒囡囡正面照之前,Daniel罕有上載5歲大囡囡Raven的最新近照上個人社交網,見到Raven坐喺私家車後座,手拎一本《News China》雜誌好專心咁閱讀,Daniel留言表示:「She’s worried about these trade embargoes affecting the price of L.O.L. Surprise dolls and Shopkins.」指Raven好擔心中美貿易戰會影響到佢心愛玩具的價格,十分搞笑!

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She’s worried about these trade embargoes affecting the price of L.O.L. Surprise dolls and Shopkins.
A post shared by Daniel Wu 吴 彦 祖 (@thatdanielwu) on Jul 29, 2018 at 8:34pm PDT


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