Star Trek Strips the Defiant of Its Most Controversial Feature
Warning: contains spoilers for Star Trek: Defiant #1!The USS Defiant is one of
Star Trek’s most iconic ships, but now the franchise is making a change to its most controversial feature: its cloaking device. In Star Trek: Defiant #1, Worf and a rag-tag team of the franchise’s dirtiest players are on a mission to stop the fanatical Red Path from destroying the universe's god-like beings - and to help, they steal the USS Defiant, a ship Worf is highly familiar with. As they head into a potentially dangerous situation, they learn they are at a disadvantage, as the Defiant can no longer cloak.
The issue is written by Christopher Cantwell, drawn by Angel Unzueta, colored by Marissa Louise and lettered by Clayton Cowles. After learning his son Alexander has joined the Red Path, Worf leaves Sisko and the Theseus, deciding to take matters into his own hands. Worf recruits a new crew consisting of Lore, Ro Laren, B’Lanna Torres and Mister Spock to help him. They steal the Defiant, and in a text piece, it is revealed that the ship's cloaking device would now threaten galactic peace if used. This is thanks to the long-standing Treaty of Algernon, which prohibits the Federation from using such technology.
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