The Flash Season 9 Finally Explains Khione’s Powers

Warning: The following contains SPOILERS for The Flash season 9, episode 9, "It's My Party and I'll Die If I Want To."The mysterious powers of Khione in The Flash season 9 have finally been explained. First appearing in The Flash season 9 premiere, Khione was a new personality born of Dr. Caitlin Snow's efforts to resurrect her deceased twin sister, Frost, who took over Caitlin's body. In the episodes that followed, Khione displayed a number of interesting abilities, but it was hard to quantify just what powers she had and what their source was. The only thing that was certain was that Khione was not a metahuman, like Frost, or an ordinary human, like Caitlin.
Khione took on a more active role than normal in The Flash season 9, episode 9, "It's My Party and I'll Die If I Want To," having mostly assisted Team Flash as a support player given her relative inexperience with the world in general. After previously displaying some ability to generate intense cold, Khione was able to perfectly emulate her sister Frost's powers and freeze those members of Team Flash that had been possessed by the villain Bloodwork. She was also able to safely thaw out John Diggle after purging his body of Bloodwork's influence.

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