Amazing Star Wars Art Celebrates Rebels" Returning Heroes In Ahsoka

Amazing Star Wars illustrations celebrate fan-favorite Star Wars Rebels characters ahead of their live-action debut in Ahsoka. Star Wars characters who originated from the animated series making the jump to live-action is nothing new to the saga. However, the upcoming Ahsoka show is breaking records when it comes to live-action debuts of characters from the animated Star Wars shows.
Comic book artist Ingo Römling (@IngoRoemling) has shared two amazing illustrations of Sabine Wren and Hera Syndulla, two Star Wars Rebels characters who will appear in Ahsoka.
The Sabine Wren illustration is specifically based on live-action Sabine, played by Natasha Liu Bordizzo, while the Hera Syndulla one is based on Mary Elizabeth Winstead's Hera. Both of these versions will appear for the first time in Ahsoka. The posts also feature a time-lapse showing every step of the artist’s process.
Ahsoka Has Become A Live-Action Rebels Sequel Sabine and Hera have always been popular Star Wars characters among those who are familiar with Rebels. Now, an even broader audience will get to know Spectre 5 and Spectre 6 in Ahsoka. Joining Natasha Liu Bordizzo’s Sabine and Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s Hera will be joined by Chopper, making Ahsoka a Rebels reunion. In addition, Eman Esfandi will play Ezra Bridger in Ahsoka, although the extent of Ezra’s role in the story is unclear. Lastly, Lars Mikkelsen will reprise his role as Grand Admiral Thrawn, now in live-action.

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