Star Trek: Picard Production Designer On Season 3 & The Enterprise-D Set

  • Star Trek: Picard season 3 is now available on Blu-ray, DVD, and SteelBook, giving fans more opportunities to appreciate the work of production designer Dave Blass and his team.
  • Blass and his team had little time to transform the sets of the USS Stargazer into the USS Titan-A for season 3, but they successfully pulled it off.
  • Blass recruited legendary Star Trek creatives like John Eaves, Doug Drexler, and Michael and Denise Okuda to work on the final season, which included recreating the bridge of the USS Enterprise-D from scratch.
Star Trek: Picard season 3 is now available on Blu-ray, DVD, and limited edition SteelBook, which means fans have even more opportunities to enjoy the heroic work of production designer Dave Blass and his team.
Dave Blass joined Star Trek: Picard season 2 as a production designer, and he led the creation of the show's hero ship, the USS Stargazer. With Picard seasons 2 and 3 shooting back-to-back, Blass and his team had little time to revamp the Stargazer's sets into Picard season 3's signature starship, the USS Titan-A. To honor the return of the Star Trek: The Next Generation cast in Picard season 3, Blass recruited legendary Star Trek creatives like John Eaves, Doug Drexler, and Michael and Denise Okuda for the final season. Their coup de grâce was recreating the bridge of the USS Enterprise-D from scratch, which was spearheaded by art director Liz Kloczkowski.

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