Star Wars" Jedi Origin Movie Has Been In The Works For Much Longer Than We Thought
- Star Wars' mysterious Dawn of the Jedi movie has been in development for quite some time, with David S. Goyer having written a script for it.
- Lucasfilm has secretly been working on the Jedi origin movie for years, as suggested by Goyer's comments about his involvement in the project.
- The idea of a Jedi origins movie aligns with the direction Star Wars took after the sequel trilogy, as hinted in The Last Jedi's portrayal of the Prime Jedi.
Star Wars mysterious
Dawn of the Jedi movie has been in the works for a lot longer than anyone thought, with David S. Goyer writing a script. At Star Wars Celebration 2023, Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy announced three upcoming Star Wars movies - one of which, set during the "Dawn of the Jedi" era, would be helmed by James Mangold. This was the first audiences had heard of this project, but it seems it's been in the works for quite a while.
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