James Gunn Disagrees With Some Avengers: Infinity War Decisions

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 director James Gunn wasn"t a fan of certain Guardians plot points in 2018"s Avengers: Infinity War.
On the heels of 2017"s Vol. 2, the rag-tag crew returned in the Russo Brothers" Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame, written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely. 
However, while Gunn"s Guardians were integral to the back-to-back epics, he doesn"t quite agree with all of Star-Lord"s Infinity War moments. 
James Gunn"s Take On Avengers: Infinity WarIn talking with The Hollywood Reporter, James Gunn opened up about which Avengers: Infinity War storylines involving his Guardians of the Galaxy he would"ve done differently. 
According to Gunn, “They did some things that I wouldn’t have wanted,” including Star-Lord"s inability to kill Gamora after she asked him to. 
MarvelAnother was grief-stricken Star-Lord"s attack on Thanos which many fans claimed led to the Mad Titan"s Infinity War victory.
MarvelThis article is developing. Check back for updates!

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