Star Wars Reveals The Galaxy"s Oldest Character (It"s Not Yoda)

Star Wars has finally revealed who the galaxy's oldest character really is, and despite how long Yoda lived, "There is another." Star Wars Timelines: From the Time Before the High Republic to the Fall of the First Order now provides concrete dates for the entire Star Wars canon, which includes confirming which character had been around longer than anyone else. Yoda lived to be 900 years old, so most Star Wars fans would assume that he was the galaxy's oldest character, and even characters like Maz Kanata are only slightly older by comparison. It's hard to imagine a Star Wars character who lived significantly longer than that.
However, Star Wars Timelines gives new meaning to "A long time ago," revealing a character who is far, far older than Yoda. Not only is this a shocking reveal about whom most fans believe is the oldest Star Wars character, but it also brings into question just how long a character can live in the galaxy. With this new piece of Star Wars lore, there are greater possibilities for world-building in the franchise going forward. It may also allow the Star Wars galaxy's oldest character to appear in more upcoming movies and TV shows, revealing more about them and the entire canon timeline in the process.
The Lightsaber Architect Droid Huyang Is Over 25,000 Years Old Star Wars Timelines reveals that the droid Huyang is over 25,000 years old, making him the oldest character in the Star Wars galaxy. Huyang first appeared in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and was voiced by David Tennant, who's set to reprise the role in the upcoming Ahsoka series. Huyang was the Jedi Order's lightsaber architect, with Jedi younglings constructing their lightsabers aboard his ship after gaining their kyber crystals. The droid implied that he'd been around for a very long time, but now Star Wars Timelines confirms that he's lived longer than any Jedi, even Yoda.
Star Wars Timelines specifically dates Huyang to within 5 years of the Dawn of the Jedi, c. 25,020 BBY. This means that Huyang has been around since the beginning of the Jedi Order, witnessing how it grew and changed throughout the ages. His experience means he's technically the most qualified to guide the Order, so it's surprising that he distances himself from other Jedi, only coming in contact with them when a new lightsaber is needed. Of course, this is likely what Huyang was built for in the first place, but with how much he knows about lightsabers, there's no telling what other information he carries.
How Many Secrets Of The Jedi Does Huyang Know? Now that Huyang is confirmed to be Star Wars' oldest character, he likely possesses a great deal of knowledge about the Jedi and the galaxy. He's probably been to the first Jedi Temple, witnessed the formation of the Galactic Republic, and experienced the Hundred-Year Darkness that led to the creation of the Sith. Then again, 25,000 years of data would be a lot for one droid to carry, especially an ancient model like Huyang, so maybe he's had to purge his memory throughout the millennia. However, if he does still possess all this first-hand knowledge, then he would be an invaluable resource for the Jedi Order's leaders.

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