Watch: Rocket's Heartbreaking MCU Backstory Revealed In New Video

A new clip from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 previewed Rocket Raccoon"s heartbreaking backstory. 
From showcasing scenes of baby Rocket to High Evolutionary"s abuse toward the character, Vol. 3"s marketing heavily indicated that Rocket"s origin story will be highlighted in the upcoming MCU threequel. 
Moreover, given that Vol. 3 director James Gunn already confirmed that Rocket is the Guardians of the Galaxy movies" secret protagonist, the movie is expected to go all-out in proving why the beloved character is integral to the franchise"s overall story. 
Marvel Reveals Emotional Guardians 3 Clip Featuring RocketCollider officially released a brand-new clip from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, showcasing an emotional preview of Rocket Raccoon"s MCU origin story. 
The 97-second clip shows four animals in separate enclosures, with all of them talking about their future time in "the new world."
These four animals are Rocket Raccoon, Lylla the Otter, Teefs the Walrus, and Floor the Rabbit. The footage showed that all of them have robotic appendages and fixtures.
Marvel StudiosThe otter points out that they will need names when "sire" moves them to the new world, with her later proclaiming that her name will be Lylla. 
Marvel StudiosThe Walrus then claims that his name will be Teefs, with him saying that his name is the most prominent. 
Marvel StudiosThe rabbit says that her name will be floor because she is lying on the floor. 
The raccoon then expresses his hopes of creating "great machines that fly" so that he and his friends will fly together "into the forever and beautiful sky" before saying that his name will be Rocket.
Marvel StudiosGuardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 director James Gunn confirmed to Collider that Linda Cardellini, who previously portrayed Laura Barton in the Avengers films, is the voice of Lylla, Asim Chaudhry is Teefs, and Mikaela Hoover voices Floor. 
The full clip can be seen below: 
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