Why Supergirl Fights Zod In The Flash Instead Of Henry Cavill"s Superman

Barry Allen's multiversal adventure in The Flash repeats Zod's invasion from Man of Steel, but this time, Sasha Calle's Supergirl replaces Henry Cavill's Superman as the DC hero who defends Earth from the villainous Kryptonian. Despite being the face of the franchise, Henry Cavill's Superman doesn't appear in The Flash, where DCEU figures such as Ezra Miller's Barry Allen, Ben Affleck's Batman, and Michael Shannon's General Zod return to say goodbye to the universe that Man of Steel started back in 2013. Superman's last appearance came in Black Adam's post-credits scene, which likely won't lead into any sequel due to the birth of James Gunn and Peter Safran's DC Universe.
The Flash's second full trailer provides a deeper look at Sasha Calle's Supergirl, who sports Superman's exact same symbol and fights Zod just like Superman did in the original DCEU continuity. Although Supergirl has a fierce battle with Zod with the help of two Barry Allens and Michael Keaton's Batman, Superman is nowhere to be seen. Superman is absent not only due to Henry Cavill's departure, but also because the hero doesn't exist in the universe The Flash takes place.
The Flash's Supergirl Is From A Different Universe In DC's Multiverse Barry Allen's attempt to travel back in time to save his mother affects reality itself, bringing him to a universe where he hasn't acquired access to the Speed Force and thus hasn't become The Flash yet. In this universe, Michael Keaton's Batman has also been active for many years, and Supergirl has been kept as a prisoner for a long time. However, she soon gets her Kryptonian suit and defends the planet from Zod, who tries to terraform Earth the same way he attempted to do it in Barry Allen's home universe. Therefore, Sasha Calle's Supergirl doesn't know who Superman is, as she's likely the only surviving Kryptonian to be raised on Earth.
Barry Allen Travels To A Universe With No Superman In The Flash The universe Barry Allen travels to in The Flash features various similarities and differences to his home reality. For instance, Barry looks physically the same, while Henry Cavill's Superman and Ben Affleck's Batman don't even exist. Instead, Michael Keaton's Batman is a veteran vigilante and Supergirl is only beginning her career as a superhero. Meanwhile, Kal-El may have died as a baby during Krypton's destruction, and Supergirl may have been too unlucky to have had a peaceful upbringing on Earth. With a non-metahuman Barry Allen, a novice Supergirl, and an older Batman, The Flash's new universe is truly a combination of past, present, and future.
This also means that the events of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League never happened, and suggests that other metahumans may also be completely different or absent altogether. Perhaps Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Cyborg don't exist, or perhaps they're indistinguishable from their original selves. What's for certain is that Superman won't be there to become Earth's savior, leaving that spot for Supergirl.

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