Star Trek: Sisko"s Crew Plays D&D in Brilliant Day of Blood Easter Egg

Warning: Contains spoilers for Star Trek Annual 2023!Captain Benjamin Sisko’s crew plays Dungeons and Dragons in an awesome Star Trek: Day of Blood Easter egg. The forthcoming Day of Blood will be the first comic book crossover in the franchise's history, spanning this summer’s family of Star Trek titles. The origins of the crossover lie in the world of role-playing games, and in Star Trek Annual 2023, Sisko and his crew can be seen playing a tabletop role-playing game–acknowledging the crossover’s secret origin.
The issue is written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly, drawn by Rachael Stott, colored by Charlie Kirchoff and lettered by Clayton Cowles. Tensions are running high on the Theseus: Kahless’ crusade against the universe’s god-like beings is heating up, gaining converts from across the galaxy. To ease matters and keep morale afloat, the crew turns to playing games–and Sisko, Data, Doctor Crusher and Lieutenant Shaxs are playing an unidentified TTRPG. The game is never mentioned by name, but they are clearly playing Dungeons and Dragons–and they are getting into it, especially Shaxs. Later, after helping a group of sentient holograms find a suitable place to live, the game reconvenes—and now Scotty, the ship’s engineer, is playing, and having a difficult time with the rules.

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