DC Universe"s Supergirl vs Superman: 3 Ways She"ll Be Different

A Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow movie adaptation is currently in the works for the new DCU, serving as the perfect story to help distinguish Kara Zor-El's Supergirl from her Kryptonian cousin Superman. While the original DC Comics story from Tom King and Bilquis Evely takes place away from Earth with an adventure of epically cosmic proportions, it's unknown how much will be adapted for the new DC film. However, there are 4 key ways in which Kara can be set apart from Clark Kent as Earth's Man of Steel.
In 2021's Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow miniseries from King and Evely, Kara meets an alien girl named Ruthye whose father was killed by an assassin. Pursuing the powerful and resourceful villain across the galaxy, Supergirl hoped to teach Ruthye and guide her away from darker motivations such as revenge. Along the way, several aspects of Supergirl herself are confirmed, proving her core differences from Kal-El and his upbringing as Clark Kent.

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