8 Star Wars Changes That Actually Improved The Original Trilogy

George Lucas' Star Wars special edition changes have been criticized over the years, but eight changes in particular actually improved the original trilogy. Jon Favreau has indicated that he doesn't believe Disney will ever release the theatrical versions of the original films, and while this may be disappointing for fans, it's worth taking another look at the versions available on Disney+. Some of Lucas' changes did indeed enhance the original trilogy, as well as make the overall Star Wars saga feel more cohesive. Many of these changes have been integrated into other Star Wars media, making them an important part of the official canon.
The Star Wars special editions may be hated by some fans, and Disney should absolutely release the theatrical versions, but until then, there's still a lot to appreciate about Lucas' preferred version of the original trilogy. The original Star Wars film had an extremely troubled production, and even in the later films, Lucas felt that he was held back from making the movies exactly how he wanted them to be. Revisiting the Star Wars trilogy allowed Lucas to make technical enhancements that were limited when the films originally released, but have now become staples of the franchise.

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