3 Months On, It"s Even Harder To Ignore How Much The Batman 2 Needs To Bring Back The Best New Live-Action DC Villain In Years

The Batman - Part II is in active development, but if it hasn"t already made plans to include a live-action villain introduced in The Penguin, then it needs to go back to the drawing board. The Batman came out in 2022, introducing the world to Robert Pattinson as The Dark Knight, and Matt Reeves" vision for Gotham and the universe of heroes and villains who reside there. And while the sequel was green lit shortly after the film debuted, the actual finished movie will not be released until 2027 at the earliest.
Hopefully, this time is being used well to prepare the story, refine who will appear, and help create a more rich and integrated universe, which is helped by the release of spin-off shows like The Penguin between the film releases. And interestingly, The Penguin managed to bring in a whole new cast of characters who made their presence known in Gotham, taking up space, and laying claim to the territories in the wake of the disasters caused by The Riddler and his disciples. Now, The Batman 2 has its work cut out deciding who will appear in the sequel.
The Batman Part 2 Has Huge Villain Potential There Is A Whole Host Of Rogues Ready To Fight The Batman Close Far from struggling to find characters suitable to face off with Pattinson"s Bats in the sequel, The Batman 2 is spoiled for choice. Not only did the movie introduce a unique take on the Joker, played by Barry Keoghan in the film"s final moments, but it also has the potential to revisit that film"s antagonist, the Riddler, if the story was strong enough. Beyond this, the film could also focus on a group of villains, such as the Court of Owls if the teases are to be believed.

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